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Flower Producers invest in energy conservation and production automation.

Nurmiko Wholesale LLC began heating the greenhouses with energy hay in 2010. In 2012 Nurmiko plans to start using a second boiler house using a local fuel, which together can reduce heating costs by up to 30% per year. Wholesaler Nurmiko produces flowers in a 1,5 ha greenhouse, “where the production is automated, "said board member Mart Ungerson. Flores Garden invested in automation of production in 2005-2008. This year they acquired a packaging and planting line for tulips and flowers. In Estonia Greenhouse producers don’t get any funding from the government, unlike Finland, where this year greenhouse producing companies will get 11,1 Euro/ m2 per year, said Investment Agency board member Illar Kaasik. Grune Fee also recently announced investing in to greenhouses, which uses energy saving technology.