We help you
to sell your business


Three steps to a successful sale of the company

Dear enterpreneur!

We invite enterpreneurs  to the seminar on the 11th of October to gather ideas and to examine the possibilities to increase the value of the company in sales process.

We share tips and techniques for getting your business ready for sale, thereby making it attractive to potential buyers, as well as how to ensure you profit the most from sale.

In summary, the seminar will include:

• An overview of buyers and investors interests of the company's purchasing process

• Knowledge of preparing the company for sale

• Advice on company valuation

• Opportunity to meet and network with other successful entrepreneurs


The seminar will take place in Sokos Hotel Viru conference center and will be presented by Äripäev, Deloitte Estonia, LHV, Baltcap and Investment Agency.


Further information and presentations: